Rule & Regulation

Students may be sent back home if they do not :-

a)            come in time for the morning assembly. The school gates shall be closed as soon as the bell rings.

b)            wear the correct uniform at all times. Hair cut should be decent or else a hair cut may be given in school.

c)            do all the home work regularly and bring only the required books to school as per time table.

d)            respect the teachers and behave decently with their class-  fellows.

e)            deposit fee by the 15th of every month. A fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be levied after 15th.Name will be struck off and admission cancelled after the 30th of the month.

2.            No student should use motor bikes/vehicles to come to school.

                *or else he may be rusticated.

3.            Parents who want to take their child home during the school hours or enter the school should bring the parent card/escort card.

4.            No Student will be permitted entry in school without I cards.

5.            No Student upto class V is permitted to come by bicycles.

6.            No Student is permitted to park their cycle in the school campus without a cycle pass.

Leave / Absence from school

1.            Leave record should be maintained in the diary.

2.            Application for long term absence requires prior approval from the Principal. In case of attendance falling below 75% the student shall be debarred from examination/promotion as per CBSE rules.

3.            Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the working hours. In case of emergency, written permission from the Principal is compulsory.

4.            In case of illness a Medical Certificate should be sent to the school.

5.            The student must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school after illness.

                ]Chicken Pox-till complete falling of scabs.

                ] Measles-2 weeks after the rashes disappear.

                ] Mumps-till the swelling reduces i.e. one month.

                ] Whooping Cough-6 weeks.

6.           A student suffering from any contagious disease will be allowed to attend classes only after producing a ‘Fitness Certificate’ from a medical practitioner.

7.            If a student remains absent without information from school for 6 consecutive days his/her name would be removed from the rolls & has to apply for readmission.

Personal Hygiene

1.            The students should wear the prescribed uniform and must be smart and immaculate. They should be well groomed at all times.

2.            Long hair should be tied neatly (for girls) and students with short hair must get a regular hair cut.

3.            Sikh students must use the prescribed colour turban.

4.            Students may wear small ear studs if their ears are pierced. They should deter from use of nail paint, kajal or any cosmetic. Nails should be trimmed regualrly.

School Property

1.            Due care should be taken of the school property. Disfiguring or damage to the aforesaid will be charged with penalty.

2.            It is the duty of every student to dispose litter in the bins and keep the surroundings tidy.

3.            It must be ensured that light and fans are switched off when not in use.

4.            Library books should be returned in time and in case of loss of a book, one is liable to be fined or pay equivalent to the cost of the book.

5.            Care should be taken of expensive equipments installed in classrooms like CCTV camera, OHP, computers, smart classes. Any damage shall be recovered collectively / from the specific person.

Bullying & sexual harassment

Bullying or sexual harassment either verbal or physical will not be tolerated by the school in any form. The same should be reported to a staff member or the Management or Principal.

Disciplinary Committee consisting of four members decides the action to be taken in cases of indiscipline, bullying or sexual harassment.